02:52duration 2 minutes 52 seconds
FedUni campus video - International full version
From Albi Alagesan
00:40duration 40 seconds
International student testimonial - Accounting at…
International student testimonial - Accounting at FedUni
00:35duration 35 seconds
International student testimonial - Engineering…
International student testimonial - Engineering at FedUni
00:36duration 36 seconds
International student testimonial - Health…
International student testimonial - Health Sciences at FedUni
00:52duration 52 seconds
International student testimonial - Humanities…
International student testimonial - Humanities and Social Sciences at FedUni
01:24duration 1 minute 24 seconds
International student testimonial - IT…
International student testimonial - IT Professional Practice
00:32duration 32 seconds
International student testimonial - Nursing at…
International student testimonial - Nursing at FedUni
International student testimonial - Performing…
International student testimonial - Performing Arts at FedUni
03:08duration 3 minutes 8 seconds
International Student VoxPop 1- Improving your…
International Student VoxPop 1- Improving your English language skills
02:16duration 2 minutes 16 seconds
International Student VoxPop 2- Gaining…
International Student VoxPop 2- Gaining confidence talking to native English speakers